Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer Lovin'

I almost made it to posting within a month of the last post!  Maybe that means that I'm getting better at this!! :)

Since I last posted, we've gone on a couple of vacations.  The first one was to south Texas for Jimmy's cousin's wedding.  Jace was a ring bearer, so he got to get all spiffy for the big event.  All of the kiddos looked so cute!
We also got to hang out in Gruene, Texas for the 4th of July.  We listened to live music at Gruene Hall and ate at the Gristmill. The boys had fun dancing!

We also had the amazing experience of taking a helicopter ride over Canyon Lake.  It was SO much fun, and something that I would love to get to do again!

Jace finished up his t-ball season 7-1, and they were the league's t-ball CHAMPIONS!!!  They all did so good beating the heat, still getting out there to play!  Here is his official picture:
We have been going through a bit of a "phase" with him right now.  He has been very needy/whiny/moody.  Please tell me it's just something about age 4, because I don't know how much back-talking, whining, yelling, and attitude I can take!  He is the SWEETEST kid, so I don't know what all this other mess is.  I hope that once we fall back into our school routine, things will start to settle down some.  I know he is going to love school so much!

Weston is having the same attitude stuff as Jace, but wait, that's just Weston. :)  He is still chatting away, telling us when he goes teetee/poopoo, saying "tee" when he wants to brush his teeth (all. the. time.), calling Granny "Laaaane" (Elaine) instead of Granny, "Eeooh" for Rio (the movie, yes...he loves it!), saying bird, pane (plane), ball, and so many other words.  He is such a mess!

We went on our big vacation to Orange Beach, Alabama this month.  We haven't been on a real vacation (out of Texas), so we decided to venture out.  My aunt and uncle came down there too, so it was fun for the boys to have them around as well.  We hung out at the beach every day, and one day we visited the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, FL.  It was such a neat experience that I loved to be able to share with my boys!

Well that should hold us over for now.  I'm getting everything ready for school to start, and have TONS to get done!  Until next time...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Time Flies

And has flown so fast since my last post.  I said that I'd TRY to get better at blogging.  Didn't say it would work! :)

Since March, Jace's 4th birthday has come and gone (VERY successful Monster Truck party!), Jimmy's birthday has passed, school has ended, my birthday has come and gone, and Weston is jabbering away!  I hate that I haven't been documenting all of his new words as they've come.  It's so hard to remember everything!  Maybe I'll start using post-its and just jot everything down as I'm hearing it. 

We also became members of The Avenue church in May, and are really loving it!  We had VBS last week, and Jace really enjoyed it.  I served in the 2 year old class, and we were WORN OUT by the end of the week!  It was totally worth it! 

Jace started t-ball a couple weeks ago, and his team is the Corpus Christi Hooks.  They have their 2nd game tonight, as well as pictures.  He enjoys it, but just complains about the heat (ha, so do I!)  He has a good time hitting the ball and running the bases.  When he plays outfield, he just plays in the dirt :)  I keep promising Daddy that he'll outgrow the dirt part!  He also started swimming lessons last week.  He is EXHAUSTED, but I think he really enjoys going and swimming with all of the kids.  Thursday is "show-off" day, so I'm excited to get to go see him in his element and see what all he's learned!

He is also very excited that pre-k is coming.  I don't think he has any idea of what's in store, but that is okay.  He'll adapt quickly.  He is learning letters/sounds and numbers, and is doing it on his own.  I haven't pushed at all, because he is a totally "in my own time" kind of child. 

On to Weston.  Oh Weston.  This is the child that is contributing so much to the gray hairs on top of my head.  He climbs. Everything.  The table, chairs, couches (and does the "one-two-three-JUMP!"), beds, TRIES to climb counters.  He hits. Screeeeams. LAUGHS. Says "BOO!" all the time. Frowns.  This child is all personality.  He is my child.  He has also learned so many new words.  For over a month now, his favorite words is "che-chup" (ketchup).  He calls anything that comes out of a bottle "che-chup".  Every time we have to change a diaper, he reaches for the lotion bottle and says "che-chup?" so that I'll squirt some in his hands.  I'm trying to teach him that it is "looooo-tion" and he says "looooo-che-chup"!  It is precious!  He also loves saying "Jaaaaace".  He loves balls and trying to play basketball.  When he sees Jace's t-ball bag, he thinks we're going and he says "ball, ball, ball!".  He gets so excited when we're watching the Rangers on TV.  He sings "Let's go Rangers" and smacks his tongue during the clapping part. 

He is also trying to teetee in the potty.  He usually tells us (after the fact) that he needs to teetee.  I know that this is the first step, so I'm thrilled.  On the other hand, I'm going to miss having my little cloth fluffy butt when he is out of diapers.  I'm in no rush, just letting him do everything on his time.  He has been telling us/taking his diaper off when he goes though.  He came to me this morning, patted his bottom, and said "poopoo". :)  I'm fine with that, as long as he doesn't start taking THOSE off!

I received the news in May that my job will be changing.  I will no longer be an inclusion teacher, I will be the new resource teacher at Crockett.  I had such conflicting emotions at first!  On one hand, I was upset.  I feel like I finally was in my "groove" with my job, had just gotten my classroom EXACTLY how I loved it (and I really did love it!), and had a paraprofessional that I worked really well with.  On the other hand, I always say that I never know where my job as a special ed teacher will take me.  I have taught PPCD for 2 years, and been an inclusion teacher for 4 years.  I don't know what I want to do with my career, so I am very open to change in that aspect.  I always want to teach, but I don't know if that means God will open doors in other aspects of education (like speech, dyslexia, reading recovery, etc.).  I feel like that the new resource job will show me another side of special education.  It means that I will be joining the play-based team (we have had one meeting this summer so far, and it was neat to see the kids that we are testing and be a part of those ARD meetings for kids who are just turning 3 and coming into the program).  I also will be a part of the CARE committee and will have a little more of a leadership role within our team.  I love my good friend, whose job I am basically swapping.  She tells me that I will love my new job, and that with me having young kids, it will allow me to have the flexibility to be more involved with their education and activities as well.  She knows me well, both as a friend and as an educator, so I know she would be very honest and open with me about my job and my career.  I have become more and more excited about it over the summer and as the time has passed.  We moved our stuff the last week of school, so it felt so much more real then.  I cried for the first time!  It was a bittersweet cry though.  I'm excited to see what my career holds. 

What a long post!  Maybe the stretch won't be as long next time, thus a shorter post.  Here's to hoping....

Monday, March 5, 2012

And the Planning Begins!

J is about to be 4. FOUR! I can hardly believe it! It seems just like yesterday that HE was the one toddling around. Now that's W's job and J is the "big boy". We took him last weekend to see Monster Jam and he absolutely loved it. He's requested a monster truck birthday party. I've been going nuts on Pinterest looking for cute ideas for a monster truck party. Let me just say that it is going to be a feat to pull off, but I love a challenge. ;) I'm going to try my hand at cookies with flood icing. I PROBABLY should start practicing now..ha!

Weston has learned a couple new words (well, at least TRIES to say them): ball, jump, bite (food), "ni-night", and other little random phrases. Like when we take off his socks/shoes, he says "ki-kee" (stinky). It is so cute! He is also trying to use all FOUR of his teeth to bite. Not cool.

Anyways, I wish that Blogger would let my pictures upload. Will have to mess with that a little more later....

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Well, where to start?...

I would absolutely love to say that blogging will be easy for me, but I'm going to give it a shot anyways...

The main reason that I am giving this a "go" is for my boys. I'm hoping that I can kind of keep track of how much they are growing EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. It blows my mind to look back and see photos and proof that they are not babies anymore! It makes me so sad, yet so proud of these two gifts that God has so totally blessed me with! To think that He would trust ME with these two lives. I know that there are mistakes that I make as a mama daily, but I also know that I try my hardest to be the best mama to J & W! They are truly my world!

Hopefully this will give some insight to my wonderful life as Mommy to:
an almost-four-year-old who is indecisive, yet knows everything, loves his little brother, has big brown eyes and can convince Mommy into almost anything, loves being outside, his boots, his games, Mommy & Daddy's phones, has a country twang that will melt your heart and make you laugh at the same time, loves baseball and Dirk, is sensitive and loving, and is so super excited to be in Pre-K next year (NOOOOOO!!!!)
and to:
a now-14-month old who walks everywhere, climbs everywhere, has a crazy wild head of strawberry-blonde curly hair, blue eyes that will melt your heart, yacks about everything (and you can't understand a word....but don't let him know that! He thinks that he is for real getting his point across!), has learned to un-velcro his cloth diapers (uh-oh), adores his older brother, is our wild man!, says "uh-uhhh" (uh-oh) any chance he can get, loves cars like his brother, loves his (fake) pet lizard and making it "get" people :), likes his "ish" (fish) Dorothy, loves choo-choo's and says "wassat?" every time he hears it, is ALL-BOY, and is MAMA'S BOY!

I just want to document all of these little things, be able to look back and say "Oh, that's when he was doing THIS....etc." It's flown by so fast and I hate to think that I'd ever forget a moment of it!

Ok, now that the intro is over, I'll quit gushing about my children. Yeah right. Last night Jimmy and I took J to Monster Jam at Cowboy Stadium. He had a BLAST! (not as much fun as I did, though :) He got to buy a cool t-shirt with ALL of the monster trucks on it, a checkered flag, and Mommy insisted that he get a $15 cotton candy because it had a foam Grave Digger hat that came with it. Glad he liked it. ;) Money, in a million years, couldn't have paid for the look on his face when he heard the trucks start up and come out onto the track. He was so into it! It was so worth it, and Big Brother Date Night was a huge success.

While we were there, though, little brother was at Granny's house with a fever. This morning, we visited a CareNow clinic and although the strep test came back negative, it was some type of infection causing him to have a red throat. He hasn't felt terrible today, but still has times where he's running a little fever and just isn't himself. Daddy is going to stay home with the boys tomorrow, so I'm sure he'll enjoy that!

Enough for tonight. Off to finish Mockingjay. :)